Think Goddess Series
Paintings with Spirit connecting you more deeply with Divine Feminine aspects.
The Feminine Archetype and the Wheel of the Year

Prints and Cards
SAMHAIN (October 31) (Cross-quarter, Fire Festival)
YULE / MIDWINTER / WINTER SOLSTICE (December 20-23) (Quarter Festival, Solstice)
IMBOLC / CANDLEMAS (February 2) (Cross-quarter, Fire Festival)
OSTARA / SPRING EQUINOX (March 20-23) (Quarter Festival, Equinox)
BELTAINE / MAY DAY (May 1) (Cross-quarter, Fire Festival)
LITHA / MIDSUMMER / SUMMER SOLSTICE (June 20-23) (Quarter Festival, Solstice)
LUGHNASADH / LAMMAS (August 1) (Cross-quarter, Fire Festival)
MABON / AUTUMN EQUINOX (September 20-23) (Quarter Festival, Equinox)

The symbolism depicted in the paintings on this site were created with the highest intentions to communicate pure insights of the divine feminine.
The “Wheel of the Year” is a symbolic almanac designed to deepen your relationship to the planet by focusing on the cycle of seasons according to the sun and the natural rhythms of life.
Archetypes communicate to us through many symbols found in dreams, myth, literature, art, culture and religion. A goddess is the form that a feminine archetype may take, like Mother Nature, Goddess types represent models of ways of nurturing and being.
Nature utilizes the seasons in caring and providing for the Earth. Each season, we are given the opportunity of change, rebirth, improvement and growth.
In the Wheel of the Year four fire festivals are celebrated, these include Samhain/Oct 31, Imbolc/Feb 1, Beltane/May 1, and Lughnasadh/Aug 1.
These sacred celebrations are combined with honoring the solstices and equinoxes called the four ‘quarter festivals’, Yule/Dec 21, Ostara/March 21, Litha/June 21, and Mabon/Sept 21.
These celebrations still take place in our communities today. The turning of the Wheel represents the continuing birth, death and rebirth of nature and the corresponding rise and fall, ebb and flow of our inner lives.
The paintings bring to life the stories of old and advocates the movement of embracing and expressing your divine feminine nature in all seasons of your life.

This series of paintings were accepted into ArtPrize 2018,
which is an open, independently organized international art competition which takes place in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
View Nichol Skaggs Profile here: http://www.artprize.org/67231
Print and Gift Shops for the Wheel of the Year Paintings
In the Think Goddess™ shops below you will find Framed and Canvas Prints as well as Unique Gift items such as Home Decor, Drinkware, Keepsakes, T-shirts, Posters and Cards.
You'll find Metal, Framed and Canvas Prints in the Fine Art America Print Shop here: "Think Goddess™" Print Shop
You'll find unique merchandise in the CafePress Gift Shop"Think Goddess™" Gift Shop with these paintings on t-shirts, posters, mugs, glasses, blankets, home decor, keepsake items, and more.